Abstract: | Objectives: Newly discovered glutathione transferase omega 1 (GSTO1-1) plays an important role in the glutathionylation cycle, a significant mechanism of protein function regulation. GSTO1-1 expression pattern has not been studied in transitional cell carcinoma (TCC), as yet.Methods: A total of 56 TCC tumor and corresponding non-tumor specimens were investigated. Glutathione content and thioltransferase activity were measured spectrophotometrically. Protein-glutathione mixed disulfides were measured fluorimetrically. GSTO1-1 expression was determined by immunoblot and qPCR. Immunoprecipitation with GSTO1-1 antibody was followed by immunoblot using anti-GSTO1, GSTP1, c-Jun, JNK, Akt, phospho-Akt, and ASK1 antibody, while for the total S-glutathionylation levels non-reducing electrophoresis was performed. Results: The contents of reduced glutathione and thioltransferase activity were significantly increased in tumor compared to non-tumor tissue. The increased GSTO1 expression in tumor tissue showed clear correlation with grade and stage. However, decreased total protein glutathionylation level in tumor compared to non-tumor samples was found. Immunoprecipitation has shown an association of GSTO1-1 with GSTP1, Akt, phospho-Akt, and ASK1 proteins. Conclusions: GSTO1 deglutathionylase activity suggests its potential important role in redox perturbations present in TCC. Increased GSTO1-1 expression might contribute to TCC development and/or progression supporting the notion that GSTO1-1 may be a promising novel cancer target. |