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Colony age, neighborhood density and reproductive potential in harvester ants
Authors:Diane Wagner  Deborah M. Gordon
Affiliation:(1) Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-5020, USA, US
At about age 5 years, colonies of the harvester ant, Pogonomyrmex barbatus, begin to produce winged, sexual forms (alates) that mate in large annual aggregations. We examined how colony age and neighborhood density affect the numbers, body mass, and body fat of alates produced by 172 colonies ranging in age from 4 to 17 years. Over one-third (36%) of all colonies produced no alates. Failure to reproduce was independent of colony age. Of those colonies that did produce alates, older colonies produced more alates than younger colonies. Older colonies produced lighter female alates (in dry mass), but the total biomass of additional alates produced by older colonies far outweighed the reduced allocation to female alate body mass. Body fat content was much higher in female alates (36.0% on average) than in males (3.7% on average). Alate body fat content was not related to colony age. The fitness of female alates may be related to their fresh body mass; that of females captured after mating and reared in the laboratory was positively correlated with egg-laying rate, although not with the total number of eggs in the first brood. Neighborhood density was not related to alate number, mass, or fat content, in contrast to the results of a 1995 study at the site, in which alate numbers were negatively related to neighborhood density. Thus the influence of crowding on reproductive output appears to vary from year to year, perhaps in response to variation in rainfall and food supply. Alate output by individual colonies was correlated among years. These results suggest that a few, older colonies dominate the pool of reproductives year after year. Received: 11 May 1998 / Accepted: 19 December 1998
Keywords:Harvester ants  Life history  Intraspecific competition  Body mass  Body fat
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