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Spectral mechanisms of the compound eye in the fireflyPhotinus pyralis (Coleoptera: Lampyridae)
Authors:Abner B. Lall  Robert M. Chapman  C. Ovid Trouth  James A. Holloway
Affiliation:(1) Department of Physiology and Biophysics, College of Medicine, Howard University, 20059 Washington, D.C., USA;(2) Center for Visual Science, University of Rochester, 14627 Rochester, New York, USA;(3) Present address: Department of Biology and The McCollum-Pratt Institute, The Johns Hopkins University, 21218 Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Summary Electroretinograms (ERG) were recorded from dark- and chromatic-adapted compound eyes in the dusk-active firefly,Photinus pyralis male, at different wavelengths ranging from 320 to 700 run and over 4.5 log units change in stimulus intensity. ERG waveforms differed in the short (near-UV and violet) and long (yellow) wavelengths (Fig. 1). Waveform differences were quantitated by analysis of rise and fall times as a function of the amplitude of the response. Rise times were found to be relatively constant for all stimulus wavelengths. However, variations in the fall times were detected and followed characteristically different functions for short and long wavelengths (Fig. 2).No significant differences in the slopes of the Vlog-I curves at different stimulus wavelengths were observed (Fig. 3).Spectral sensitivity curves obtained from the ventral sector in dark- and chromatic-adapted conditions revealed peaks in the short (lambda max 400 nm: Fig. 4;lambda max 430 nm: Fig. 5 A; andlambda max 380 nm; Fig. 5B) and long (lambda max 570 nm: Figs. 4, 5) wavelengths, suggesting the presence of two spectral mechanisms. The long wavelength (yellow) mechanism was in close tune with the species bioluminescence emission spectrum (Fig. 4B).This investigation was supported in part by NIH Research Grant # EY-00490 (to R.M.C.); Research Grant # 01794N from the Research Foundation of the City University of New York (to A.B.L.); NIGMS Training Grant #1 TO 2 GM 05010-01 MARC (to J.A.H.); and NSF Grant # HES-75-09824 (to C.O.T.). We thank Tom Jensen for technical assistance, Barry Schuttler for his courtesy in allowing us to collect fireflies at his farm, Jean Lall for editorial assistance, and the two anonymous referees whose comments added considerably to the quality of this paper.
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