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PATMAT: a searching and extraction program for sequence, pattern and block queries and databases
Authors:Wallace, James C.   Henikoff, Steven
Affiliation:Basic Sciences Division, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Cancer Research Center 1124 Columbia Street, Seattle, WA 98104. USA
1Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center 1124 Columbia Street, Seattle, WA 98104. USA
A program has been developed that provides molecular biologistswith multiple tools for searching databases, yet uses a verysimple interface. PATMATcan use protein or (translated) DNAsequences, patterns or blocks of aligned proteins as queriesof databases consisting of amino acid or nucleotide sequences,patterns or blocks. The ability to search databases of blocksby ‘on-the-fly’ conversion to scoring matrices providesa new tool for detection and evaluation of distant relationships.PATMAT uses a pull-down, menu-driven interface to carry outits multiple searching, extraction and viewing functions. Eachquery or database type is recognized, reported, and the appropriatesearch carried out, with matches and alignments reported inwindows as they occur. Any of the high scoring matches can beexported to a file, viewed and recalled as a query using onlya few keystrokes or mouse selections. Searches of multiple databasefiles are carried out by user selection within a window. PATMATruns under DOS; the searching engine also runs under UNIX.
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