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摘    要:
柑桔大实蝇Bactrocera minax (Enderlein)是柑桔类果树的重要害虫,诱杀成虫是防治该虫的一项重要措施。本文应用触角电位仪测定了10种物质不同浓度、7种常见配方及5种改进配方对柑桔大实蝇的电生理原理,2010和2011年在四川和重庆的5个柑桔园对9种配方的田间诱集效果进行评价。结果表明,柑桔大实蝇雌雄成虫对水解蛋白和乙酸的EAG值显著高于红糖、乙醇、甜橙汁、甜橙精油、乙酸乙酯、桔皮粉、柠檬酸和蜂蜜。雌、雄成虫的EAG值随着水解蛋白、乙酸浓度的增高而增大;雌虫的EAG值随乙醇浓度的增高而增大;而其余7种物质的浓度变化对雌雄成虫的EAG值影响较小。配方中,20%水解蛋白的EAG值和田间引诱效果均显著高于其它引诱物质和配方。改进型糖醋酒液分别添加5%水解蛋白和0.2%乙酸乙酯其诱集效果明显提高。本试验结果可为柑桔大实蝇引诱剂配方筛选和田间诱杀提供科学依据。

关 键 词:柑桔大实蝇;引诱剂;触角电位反应;引诱效果

Electrophysiological activity of some materials to Chinese citrus fly and their attraction in field
The Chinese citrus fly, Bactrocera minax (Enderlein) has become the most serious hazards and destructive pest in the major citrus producing areas. In order to provide scientific basis and theoretical guidance for the formulation of attractant and field work. In this article, it measured the EAG relative value of 10 substances in different concentrations, 7 kinds of common formulation and 5 kinds of improved formulation, and evaluated the attractive effect of 9 kinds of formulations in 2010 and 2011 in 5 citrus orchards of Sichuan and Chongqing. The main results were as follows. The EAG responses of male and female adult was increased faster with increasing concentration of acetic acid, hydrolyzed protein, and female increased faster with increasing concentration of ethanol. But male and female adult with brown sugar, sweet orange juice, orange essential oil, ethyl acetate, orange peel powder, citric acid, honey concentration increase did not change significantly. In the formulation, the EAG relative value and the field attractive effect of 20% hydrolyzed protein were significantly higher than other formulation. The attractive effect of improved sugar-acetic acid-ethanol with 5% hydrolyzed protein or 0.2% ethyl acetate is increased.
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