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Properties, relationships and transmission of a strain of raspberry ringspot virus infecting raspberry cultivars immune to the common Scottish strain*
Affiliation:Scottish Horticultural Research Institute, Invergowrie, Dundee
Abstract:Plants of Lloyd George and Seedling M raspberry (Rubus idaeus L.) were found in eastern Scotland infected with raspberry ringspot (RRV), a virus to which these varieties were previously considered immune. Most RRV isolates from affected plants caused milder symptoms in herbaceous test plants than did the type isolates of the common Scottish and English strains. In graft-transmission tests the Lloyd George strain of RRV infected all the raspberry cultivars tested, including those immune to the common Scottish strain. No consistent differences were found between isolates of the two strains in in vitro properties or serological behaviour. Both strains were transmitted in seed of Stellaria media and in soil containing Longidorus elongatus. Possible reasons why the new strain is uncommon in Scotland are discussed.
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