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Release and establishment of a biological control agent, Psyllaephagus pilosus for eucalyptus psyllid (Ctenarytaina eucalypti) in Ireland
Affiliation:Department of Environmental Resource Management, University College, Dublin, Ireland;Teagasc, Kinsealy Research Centre, Malahide, Co. Dublin, Ireland
An Australian parasitoid wasp, Psyllaephagus pilosus, was collected from a previous release site in France and introduced into a commercial eucalyptus foliage plantation in Co. Kerry in the south west of Ireland to control the eucalyptus (blue gum) psyllid Ctenarytaina eucalypti. The first parasitised psyllid nymphs were observed 26 days after the release was made in late May 1998, and 49 days elapsed before a new generation of adult parasitoids was seen. Visually assessed indices of psyllid parasitism and adult wasp incidence were used to quantify the pattern of adult dispersion and establishment. A second generation of adult wasps emerged in late August, initiating a rapid spread of parasitism throughout the release site during September that culminated in a peak rate of almost 100% parasitism by late October. Subsequently by the end of 1998, an apparently random process of dispersion and successful natural colonisation occurred at eight out of ten monitored plantations at distances up to 70 km from the release point. The first colonisers of the other two sites arrived very late in 1998, and consequently failed to establish viable populations by the following summer. Probably this failure was because the small numbers of colonisers had arrived too late in the growing season to effect population establishment before the onset of winter. Assisted introductions were, therefore, made at these sites in June and August 1999, respectively. Once fully established, the parasitoid had no difficulty in surviving winter conditions at all monitored sites and demonstrated excellent potential as a biological control agent.
Keywords:Biological control    insect parasitoid    Psyllaephagus pilosus    eucalyptus psyllid    Ctenarytaina eucalypti    eucalyptus foliage production    Ireland
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