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Regulated folding of tyrosinase in the endoplasmic reticulum demonstrates that misfolded full-length proteins are efficient substrates for class I processing and presentation
Authors:Ostankovitch Marina  Robila Valentina  Engelhard Victor H
Affiliation:Carter Immunology Center and Department of Microbiology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA 22908, USA.
Short-lived protein translation products have been proposed to be the principal substrates that enter the class I MHC processing and presentation pathway. However, the biochemical nature of these substrates is poorly defined. Whether the major processing substrates are misfolded full-length proteins, or alternatively, aberrantly initiated or truncated polypeptides still remains to be addressed. To examine this, we used melanoma in which one-third of wild-type tyrosinase molecules were correctly folded and localized beyond the Golgi, while the remainder were present in the endoplasmic reticulum in an unfolded/misfolded state. Increasing the efficiency of tyrosinase folding using chemical chaperones led to a reduction in the level of substrate available to the proteasome and decreased the expression of a tyrosinase-derived epitope. Conversely, in transfectants expressing tyrosinase mutants that are completely misfolded, both proteasome substrate and epitope presentation were significantly enhanced. Proteasome substrate availability was a consequence of misfolding and not simply due to retention in the endoplasmic reticulum. Thus, the extent of folding/misfolding of a full-length protein is an important determinant of the level of epitope presentation.
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