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Does male extra‐territory foray effort affect fertilization success in hooded warblers Wilsonia citrina?
Authors:Bridget J M Stutchbury  Trevor E Pitcher  D Ryan Norris  Elaina M Tuttle  Rusty A Gonser
Abstract:Hooded warbler Wilsonia citrina males vary greatly in the frequency and duration of their off-territory forays in search of extra-pair copulations. We used radiotracking and microsatellite parentage analysis in high and low density populations to determine if (1) high foray rate or time off-territory reduces within-pair fertilization success, and (2) if a high foray rate onto the territory of a fertile female increases the likelihood of obtaining EPFs with that female. Males who left their territory often, or for longer periods, did not have lower within-pair fertilization success. Some males repeatedly visited a neighboring fertile female, but in only 3 of 19 cases where radiotagged males visited a fertile female did the male actually sire offspring with that female. Male foray rate onto a fertile female's territory was not a good predictor of whether or not he sired extra-pair offspring with that female. We suggest that mate choice and extra-pair behavior by females may explain why male foray behavior does not correspond closely with actual fertilization success.
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