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Role of the membrane concanavalin A binding site in platelet-fibrin interactions
Authors:T W Chow  L V McIntire  D M Peterson
Concanavalin A was employed to study the role of platelet membrane glycoproteins in platelet-fibrin interactions during clot formation. A rheological technique was used to study the interactions, measuring the clot rigidity and platelet contractile force simultaneously during the formation of network structure. Concanavalin A lowered the clot rigidity and contractile force of a platelet-rich plasma clot by a small extent. Plasma glycoproteins probably compete with platelet membranes for concanavalin A binding in platelet-rich plasma. Both native concanavalin A (tetrameric) and succinyl concanavalin A (dimeric) lowered the clot rigidity and contractile force of a washed platelet-fibrin clot dramatically, almost down to those values found for fibrin clots. Inhibition studies with alpha-methyl-D-mannoside indicated that the concanavalin A effects were specific for the concanavalin A binding capacity to platelets. The effects of native concanavalin A on platelet-fibrin clots were only partially reversible, while the succinyl concanavalin A effects were completely reversible. The observed concanavalin A effects are probably mainly due to concanavalin A binding to platelet membrane glycoproteins. The concanavalin A binding site appears to play an important role in the fibrin binding to platelets.
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