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引用本文:张长伟,郑家奎,蒋开锋,朱永川,万先齐,朱发云. 杂交水稻苗瘟抗性的配合力和遗传力分析[J]. 生物数学学报, 2000, 15(2): 134-138
作者姓名:张长伟  郑家奎  蒋开锋  朱永川  万先齐  朱发云
作者单位:四川省农科院水稻高梁研究所,四川泸州 646100
摘    要:采用7×7不完全双列杂交设计,对反映杂交水稻苗瘟抗性的5个指标进行了配合力和遗传力分析.结果表明,杂交水稻苗瘟抗性遗传力高,受加性和非加性基因效应共同控制,但以加性效应为主;恢复系的苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应明显相对重要于不育系,不育系苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应对F1代的抗性有显著的影响;14个供试亲本中,多恢1号、成恢149、K42A、K40A具有较好的苗瘟抗性一般配合力效应.因此,在杂交水稻抗苗瘟育种中,对恢复系的抗性GCA选择和对亲本的抗性GCA评鉴至关重要,但不应忽视不育系对组合的抗性贡献和对组合的抗性评鉴;多恢1号、成恢149、K42A和K40A可作为优良抗苗瘟亲本加以利用.

关 键 词:杂交水稻 苗瘟抗性 配合力 遗传力 抗病育种

Analysis of Combining Ability and Inheritability of Resistance to Leaf Blast during Seedling Stage of Hybrid Rice
Zhang Changwei,Zheng Jiakui,Jiang Kaifeng,Zhu Yongchuan,Wan Xianqi,Zhu Fayun. Analysis of Combining Ability and Inheritability of Resistance to Leaf Blast during Seedling Stage of Hybrid Rice[J]. Journal of Biomathematics, 2000, 15(2): 134-138
Authors:Zhang Changwei  Zheng Jiakui  Jiang Kaifeng  Zhu Yongchuan  Wan Xianqi  Zhu Fayun
Abstract:Analysis of the combining ability and the inheritability of 5 indexes of resistance to leaf blast during seedling stage of hybrid rice was conducted with a set of 7×7 incomplete diallel crosses. The results as follow:(1) The resistance, which had a great inheritability, was controlled by both additive heredity and non-additive heredity,but the former was more important than the later.(2) Restorer's GCA was more important than CMS line's,but the later had significant effect on the resistance of its crosses.(3) K42A、K40A、Duohui No.1 and Chenghui 149 had better GCA of resistance to leaf blast than the other tested parents.So in the hybrid rice breeding for resistance to leaf blast,the evaluation of parent's GCA and the selection of restorer with great GCA were very important,but the assession of crosses' resistance and CMS line's controbution to its crosses shouldn't be ignored,and 2 CMS lines(K42A、K40A) and 2 restorers(Duohui No.1、Chenghui 149) should be utilized as fine parents.
Keywords:Hybrid rice  Seedling stage resistance to leaf blast  Combining ability  Inheritability
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