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The nonlinear characteristics of soft gels and hydrated connective tissues in ultrafiltration
Authors:M H Holmes  V C Mow
Affiliation:Department of Mathematical Sciences, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY 12180.
A one-dimensional ultrafiltration problem of fluid flow through a soft permeable tissue or gel under high pressure and compressive strain is solved. A finite deformation biphasic theory is used to model the behavior of the soft porous permeable solid matrix. This theory includes a Helmholtz free energy function which depends on the three principal invariants (I, II, III) of the right Cauchy-Green tensor and which satisfies the Baker-Ericksen inequalities on the principal stresses and strains. The dependence of the porosity phi f and the solidity phi s on deformation is deduced and a generalization of the exponential strain-dependent functional form for the permeability, k = k0 exp (M epsilon), of Lai and Mow (Biorheology 103, 111-123, 1980) is proposed. In this one-dimensional problem, we show that the dependence of the permeability on phi f, phi s, and III is equivalent to its dependence on hydration as proposed by Fatt and Goldstick (J. Colloid Sci. 20, 962-988, 1965). The exact solution of the ultrafiltration problem is derived and asymptotic and numerical methods are used to evaluate it. For high pressures and finite strains, the solution provides some surprising effects. The theory predicts that a material starting with a homogeneous porosity will have a strongly non-homogeneous porosity throughout the column during ultrafiltration. The resulting change in pore size through the filtration column may be very important in understanding its filtration characteristics. It is also found that there is a long delay time, up to 10 to 15 min, before the filtration velocity reaches an equilibrium. In filtration experiments where the rate of mass transport across the tissue or column of gel is important, sufficient time must be allowed for the steady state to be reached.
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