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Quantification of the geocarposphere and rhizosphere effect of peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.)
Authors:Joseph W. Kloepper  Kira L. Bowen
Affiliation:(1) Department of Plant Pathology and Alabama Agricultureal Experiment Station, Auburn University, 36849-5409 Auburn, AL, USA
Abstract:Roots and pods of field-grown peanut (groundnut) (Arachis hypogaea L.) were sampled at the R3, R5, and R7 developmental stages and examined in comparison to root- and pod-free soil for microbial population densities to assess the geocarposphere and rhizosphere effects. G/ S (no. geocarposphere microorganisms/no. soil microorganisms) and R/S (no. rhizosphere microorganisms/no. soil microorganisms) ratios were calculated for total fungi,Asperigillus flavus, spore-forming bacilli, coryneform bacteria, fluorescent pseudomonads, and total bacteria isolated on low- and high-nutrient media. A clear geocarposphere effect was evidenced by increased population densities of bacteria and fungi associated with developing pods compared to soil. G/S and R/S ratios were generally greater than 1.0 for all groups of microorganisms except bacilli. G/S ratios were greater for total bacteria than for total fungi at two of the three sample times, suggesting that bacteria were stimulated more than fungi in the zone around developing pods. In contrast, R/S ratios, were higher for total fungi than for total bacteria at two of three sample times. The preferential association of fungi and bacteria with early developmental stages of the pod indicates that some microorganisms are particularly well adapted for colonization of the peanut geocarposphere. These microorganisms are logical candidates for evaluation as biological control candiates forA. flavus.
Keywords:Archis hypogaea    Aspergillus flavus   geocarposphere  groundnut  peanut   Pseudomonas   rhizosphere
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