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5' cleavage site in eukaryotic pre-mRNA splicing is determined by the overall 5' splice region, not by the conserved 5' GU
Authors:M Aebi  H Hornig  C Weissmann
Abstract:We have generated all possible single point mutations of the invariant 5' GT of the large beta-globin intron and determined their effect on splicing in vitro. None of the mutants prevented cleavage in the 5' splice region, but many reduced or abolished exon joining. The mutations GT----TT and GT----CT resulted in a shift of the 5' cleavage site on nucleotide upstream; in the case of the mutation GT----TT, this shift was reverted by a second site mutation within the 5' splice region. Our results suggest that the 5' cleavage site is determined not by the conserved GU sequence but by the 5' splice region as a whole, most probably via base-pairing to the 5' end of the U1 snRNA.
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