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Diversity of benthic macrofauna in the eastern English Channel: comparison among and within communities
Authors:Laura Sanvicente-Añorve  Alain Leprêtre  Dominique Davoult
Affiliation:(1) Laboratoire d'Ecologie Numérique SN3, Université des Sciences et Technologies de Lille, 59655 Villeneuve d'Ascq Cedex, France;(2) FES-Zaragoza, Campo II, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Batalla 5 de mayo s/n esq.Fuerte de Loreto, 09230 México, D. F., Mexico;(3) Université du Littoral Côte d'Opale, 32 Av. Foch, 62930 Wimereux, France
Abstract:The diversity of benthic macrofaunal assemblages in the eastern English Channel is described from 707 samples collected with a Rallier-du-Baty dredge during 1971–1975. Four assemblages were primarily defined by means of multivariate data analyses and clustering methods: the lsquoAbra alba communityrsquo, the lsquoOphelia borealis communityrsquo, the lsquopebbles communityrsquo and a lsquomixed assemblagersquo of the first three communities. Spatial heterogeneity of these communities is significantly correlated with sedimentary characteristics, although local variability appears to be controlled by both physical and biological processes. Ecological diversity of these communities was analysed considering species richness (S), the Shannon diversity index (Hprime), and rank-frequency diagrammes (RFD). These analyses were performed at two spatial scales: for a single sample, and for a 'sitersquo of 10 pooled samples. Thus, several sites were chosen in order to compare diversity patterns and species quantitative structure among and within the communities. The greatest species richness was recorded for the pebbles (57–69) and the A. alba (63–79) communities. In the former, high values may be due to the complexity of microhabitats and the large flux of food related to strong currents. In the latter, both organic matter and terrestrial inputs associated with the mud favour the presence of deposit-feeder organisms. No clear trend was observed among and within the community sites in terms of the species quantitative structure. Thus, convex RFD shapes were observed in three assemblages: the lsquomixed assemblagersquo (offshore site), the A. alba (North Sea), and the pebbles (Normandy coast). lsquoSigmoidrsquo shapes were observed in the pebbles (Dover Strait) and A. alba (English coast) communities. Presumably, these shapes can be caused by the combined action of physical (strong currents, substrate stability, mud content in the sediments) and biological factors (co-occurrence of species from different communities, strong species recruitment, relative dominance of carnivorous species).
Keywords:benthos  community structure  diversity  English Channel  spatial scales
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