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引用本文:张平华,李跃忠. 上海地区草坪害虫的发生为害初步调查[J]. 昆虫知识, 2003, 40(6): 519-522
作者姓名:张平华  李跃忠
作者单位:1. 上海奉贤园林绿化工程有限公司,上海,201400
2. 上海市园林科学研究所,上海,200232
摘    要:据作者初步调查 ,2种草坪害虫 :稻切叶野螟Psaralicarsisalis (Walker)和灰翅夜蛾Spodopteramauritia (Boisduval)在上海均以幼虫在土下越冬 ,1年发生 5代 ,后期存在世代重叠现象。灰翅夜蛾虫口密度一直到 7月份都较低 ,8月份虫口密度上升很快 ,所以在上海地区第 3 ,4代幼虫为害最严重 ;稻切叶野螟的幼虫发生期比灰翅夜蛾迟 1 0d左右 ,以 9~ 1 0月份虫口密度最高。在矮生百幕达草坪中稻切叶野螟虫口密度明显高于灰翅夜蛾 ;而在高羊茅、黑麦草等草坪中灰翅夜蛾的虫口密度则远远高于稻切叶野螟。

关 键 词:草坪害虫  发生  为害  调查

Preliminary observation on damage and occurrence of lawn pests in Shanghai
CHANG Ping Hua. Preliminary observation on damage and occurrence of lawn pests in Shanghai[J]. Entomological Knowledge, 2003, 40(6): 519-522
Authors:CHANG Ping Hua
Abstract:Psara licarsisalis (Walker) and Spodoptera mauritia (Boisduval) are the major lawn pests in Shanghai. They have 5 generations in a year and overwinte as larvae. The generations overlap in the later period in a year. The population density of S. mauritia usually retaines a lower level from March to July, but it is going up fast on August. So damage to lawn caused by the 2nd and the 3nd generations was the most serious. The larval occurence period of P. licarsisalis was postponed for 10 days than that of S. mauritia and the population density retained the highest level in september and Octrober.
Keywords:lawn pest   occurrence   damage
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