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Genetics of resistance to Cry1C toxin from Bacillus thuringiensis in Spodoptera litura (Fab.)
Authors:Atul S. THAKARE  Umesh P. BARKHADE  Vrushali N. PAWADE  Shivcharan M. THAKARE
Affiliation:Department of Entomology, Dr Panjabrao Deshmukh Agricultural University, Akola (Maharashtra), India
Abstract:The present study was undertaken to determine the genetics of Cry1C resistance in Spodoptera litura. Selection of S. litura (Fab.) with Cry1C was done for eight generations to develop resistance. Reciprocal crosses between resistant and susceptible populations were made to understand the population genetics of Cry1C resistance in S. litura. Generation wise selection with Cry1C was evaluated for resistance development in S. litura. The LC50 of Cry1C was 0.14 µg/cm2 for the first selected generation and it increased to 23.98 µg/cm2 after eight selected generations, which is a 285.47-fold increase in resistance compared with the susceptible strain. The estimated realized heritability (h2) after eight generations of selection with Cry1C insecticidal protein was 0.44. The number of generations required for the tenfold increase in LC50 (1/R) was estimated to be 3.33. Response to Cry1C selection in S. litura was 0.30, the estimated selection differential was 0.69 and the pheonotypic standard deviation (dP) was 0.24. Reciprocal crosses between Cry1C resistant and susceptible strain of S. litura showed autosomal resistance.
Keywords:Bacillus thuringiensis  Cry1C resistance  genetics  Spodoptera litura
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