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Adaptive ultrastructural changes in soil-resident Yersinia pseudotuberculosis bacteria
Authors:Somova L M  Buzoleva L S  Isachenko A S  Somov G P
Abstract:After the prolonged residence (from 1 month to 2 years) in flow soil columns at 6 - 8 degrees C and 18 - 20 degrees C a complex of ultrastructural changes was detected in Y. pseudotuberculosis bacteria, depending on temperature, the duration of residence in the soil and, to a definite extent, on the strain. They were manifested in the form of cell-wall changes, the formation of the capsule and intercellular slime, changes in the ribosomal saturation of cytoplasm and the conformation state of DNA in the nucleoid zone. As the result of adaptation to nutritional deficit storage substances were accumulated in the form of electron-dense inclusions (polyphosphates) and pseudovacuoles (poly-beta-oxibutyric acid). Temperature influenced the process of mitotic division and the state of chromatin in bacteria. The described ultrastructural changes Y. pseudotuberculosis may be regarded as natural adaptive reaction to the altered conditions of their residence.
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