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Vertical distributions of zooplankton across the Almeria-Oran frontal zone (Mediterranean Sea)
Authors:Andersen, Valerie   Devey, Corinne   Gubanova, Alexandra   Picheral, Marc   Melnikov, Victor   Tsarin, Sergey   Prieur, Louis
Affiliation:Laboratoire D’oceanographie de Villefranche (LOV, UMR 7093), Observatoire Oceanologique, BP 28, 06234 Villefranche-Sur-Mer Cedex, France, 1 Plankton Department and 2 Department of Ecological Biophysics, Institute of Biology of the Southern Seas (IBSS), Nakhimov AV-2, Sevastopol, 99011 Crimea, Ukraine
The vertical distribution of zooplankton in the upper 700 mof the water column was investigated across the Almeria–Oranfront (Alboran Sea) during winter 1997/98 (Almofront 2 cruise).Eight sites corresponding to three hydrodynamic structures (theAtlantic jet, an anticyclonic gyre and the surrounding Mediterraneanwaters) were explored, by day and at night, using multiple-netsampling. Results are presented for the major species of copepods(>500 µm), macroplankton and microplankton. Speciesinhabiting the surface layer or occupying it at night extendeddeeper in the gyre. On the other hand, mesopelagic species (e.g.Pleuromamma borealis, Pleuromamma abdominalis, Euphausia krohniand Cyclothone braueri) were found to live deeper, at leastby day for the migrants, in the Mediterranean waters comparedwith the two other structures. These changes in preferentialdepths across the front are discussed in relation to environmentalfeatures, such as light level, abundance of food and mixed layerdepth. This study also documented the vertical distributionof some overwintering copepod species (Calanus helgolandicus,Eucalanus hyalinus and Eucalanus monachus).
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