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Plasma extravasation through neuronal stimulation in human nasal mucosa in the setting of allergic rhinitis
Authors:Sanico, Alvin M.   Atsuta, Satsuki   Proud, David   Togias, Alkis
Sanico, Alvin M., Satsuki Atsuta, David Proud, and AlkisTogias. Plasma extravasation through neuronal stimulation in humannasal mucosa in the setting of allergic rhinitis. J. Appl. Physiol. 84(2): 537-543, 1998.---We havepreviously shown that capsaicin nasal challenge in subjects withallergic rhinitis produces a dose-dependent increase in the albumincontent of nasal lavage fluids. In the present set of studies, wedetermined whether this observation represents plasma extravasationthat is neuronally mediated. To evaluate whether glandular secretionscontribute to the albumin increase in nasal lavage fluids, volunteerswith allergic rhinitis were pretreated with atropine or placebo before capsaicin challenge. Atropine significantly reduced the volume ofreturned lavage fluids and their lysozyme content but increased theiralbumin and fibrinogen content. To assess the contribution of sensorynerve stimulation, subjects with allergic rhinitis were pretreated in asecond study with lidocaine or placebo before capsaicin challenge.Lidocaine significantly attenuated the capsaicin-induced increases inthe volume of nasal lavage fluids, as well as their lysozyme andalbumin content. To rule out the possibility of a direct effect oflidocaine on blood vessels rather than on nerves, healthy subjects werepretreated in a third study with lidocaine or placebo before bradykininnasal challenge. Lidocaine did not affect the bradykinin-inducedincrease in the albumin content of nasal fluids. We conclude that, inallergic rhinitis, high-dose capsaicin induces plasma extravasation inthe human nose and that this effect is neuronally mediated. Thisprovides more definitive evidence that neurogenic inflammation canoccur in vivo in the human upper airway.

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