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In situ measurement of filtering rates of the salp, Thalia democratica, on phytoplankton and bacteria
Authors:Mullin   Michael M.
Affiliation:Australian Institute of Marine Science PMB No. 3, Townsville MSO, Queensland 4810, Australia
Abstract:Salps were gently captured in a perspex chamber by a SCUBA diver,who then injected a suspension of 14C-labeled phytoplanktonand 3H-labeled bacteria into the chamber. After 0.5 h incubationin situ, filtering rates were estimated from incorporation ofthe two isotopes, and expressed as a function of each salp'ssize. Both bacteria and phytoplankton were grazed by Thalia,the latter at higher rates. Weight-specific grazing rates increasedwith increasing size of salp. Estimated hourly rations rangedfrom 1% of bodily C for small Thalia feeding only on phytoplanktonto 8% of bodily C for large Thalia feeding on all particulateorganic C. The method gave repeatable results for Thalia, butwas unsatisfactory for the pteropod, Cavolinia. 1Present address: Institute of Marine Resources, A-018, Universityof California, San Diego, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,La Jolla, CA 92093, USA.
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