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Fluorescence induction and activity of ferredoxin-NADP reductase in Bryopsis chloroplasts
Authors:Kazuhiko Satoh

Carnegie Institution of Washington, Department of Plant Biology, 290 Panama Street, Stanford, CA 94305, U.S.A.

Abstract:Effects of medium osmolarity on the rate of CO2 fixation, the rate of the NADP+-Hill reaction, and the DPS1 transient of chlorophyll fluorescence were measured in intact Bryopsis chloroplasts. Upon decreasing the sorbitol concentration from 1.0 M (the isoosmotic conditions) to 0.25 M, the envelopes of the chloroplasts became leaky to small molecules, resulting in a considerable depression of the CO2-fixation rate and a higher rate of the NADP+-Hill reaction whereas the DPS1 transient was unaffected. This DPS1 transient of chlorophyll fluorescence is thought to be caused by the photoactivation of electron flow on the reducing side of Photosystem I at a site occurring after ferredoxin and probably before the reduction of NADP+ (Satoh, K. and Katoh, S. (1980) Plant and Cell Physiol. 21, 907–916). Little effect of NADP+ on the DPS1 transient and a marked lag in NADP+ photo-reduction in dark-adapted (inactivated) chloroplasts support the hypothesis that the site of dark inactivation is prior to the reduction site of NADP+, and therefore, that ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase is inactivated in the dark and activated in the light. Moreover, at 0.25 M sorbitol, the activity of ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase itself (2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol reduction by NADPH) was shown to increase according to dark-light transition of the chloroplasts. At low osmolarities (below 0.1 M sorbitol), the difference in the diaphorase activity between dark-and light-adapted chloroplasts and the lag time observed in the NADP+ photoreduction were lowered. This may correspond to a less pronounced DPS1 transient at low concentrations of sorbitol. The mechanism of the photo-activation is discussed.
Keywords:Chlorophyll fluorescence   CO2 fixation   Photosystem I   Photoactivation   Ferredoxin-NADP+ reductase   (Bryopsis chloroplast)
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