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引用本文:关德新,金明淑,徐浩. 长白山阔叶红松林生长季反射率特征[J]. 应用生态学报, 2002, 13(12): 1544-1546
作者姓名:关德新  金明淑  徐浩
基金项目:中国科学院知识创新工程项目 (KZCX2 40 6),中国科学院沈阳应用生态研究所知识创新工程资助项目 (SCXZD0 10 1 0 3 0 1)
摘    要:根据长白山阔叶红松林气象观测塔上太阳总辐射和反射辐射资料 ,计算了 2 0 0 1年 5月 2 2日~10月 14日森林下垫面的每日整点反射率 .结果表明 ,森林的反射率与太阳高度角有关 ,在太阳高度角很小的日出和日落附近反射率较高 ,太阳高度角大于 30°时反射率变化不大 ,反射率的日变化曲线为U形 .森林的反射率与天空状况有关 ,晴天条件下低太阳高度时的反射率高值明显 ,U形曲线突出 ,昙天时曲线两端高值相对较低 ,U形曲线也相对平坦 ,阴天的日变化曲线则没有明显的规律 ,在某范围内波动 .生长季反射率的变化特点为 6月上旬较高 ,6月下旬稍有下降 ,7~ 9月较稳定 ,10月上旬则逐渐下降 ,反映了冠层叶片物候变化特征 .

关 键 词:长白山 阔叶红松林 生长季 反射率特征 日变化

Reflectivity of broad-leaved Korean pine forest in growing season on Changbai Mountain
GUAN Dexin,JIN Mingshu,XU Hao. Reflectivity of broad-leaved Korean pine forest in growing season on Changbai Mountain[J]. The journal of applied ecology, 2002, 13(12): 1544-1546
Authors:GUAN Dexin  JIN Mingshu  XU Hao
Affiliation:Institute of Applied Ecology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenyang 110016. guandexin@hotmail.com
Abstract:The hourly reflectivity of broad-leaved Korean pine forest on Changbai Mountain from 22 May to 14 October 2001 was calculated based on total solar radiation and reflect radiation. The results showed that: the reflectivity of the forest was related to solar altitude. It was generally high just after sunrise or before sunset, but was relatively stable as solar altitude was higher than 30 degrees. The diurnal curves of reflectivity took U shape. The reflectivity of the forest was also related to sky conditions. In clear days, the U shape was quite clear. In scattered days, the reflectivity just after sunrise and before sunset was not as high as in the clear days, and the U shaped curve was shallow. In overcast days, the reflectivity fluctuated. In terms of dynamic variation in the measured period, the reflectivity was relatively high in early June, decreased a little in late June, kept stable from July to September, and dropped gradually in the first half of October. The variation was related to the phenology of the forest canopy.
Keywords:Reflectivity   Broad leaved Korean pine forest   Diurnal variation   Seasonal variation.
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