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引用本文:沈友爱 郑阳平. 长鞘卷叶甲生物学特性及防治研究[J]. 华东昆虫学报, 1999, 8(2): 41-46
作者姓名:沈友爱 郑阳平
摘    要:长鞘卷叶甲Leptispa longipennis(Gestro)是为害绿竹等丛生竹的新害虫,该虫在福建永定一年发生1代,以成虫在卷起的竹叶内越冬。翌年4月上旬开始交尾产卵,卵期10无;5月中旬开始化蛹,蛹期8无:5月中下旬第一代成虫开始羽化。以幼虫及成虫在卷起的竹叶内取食及繁殖。在对其生物学特性进行系统研究的基础上,找到了该虫生活史中的薄弱环节,提出了在7月份新羽化成虫在卷起的竹叶内取食盛期喷洒灭多粉、1605粉荆;初孵化幼虫喷洒白僵菌粉剂、25%灭幼脲粉剂、灭多粉粉荆、1605粉剂的防治技术。

关 键 词:卷叶 成虫 羽化 幼虫 生物学特性 取食 叶甲 产卵 生活史 月份

Studies on biology and control of Leptispa longipennis (Gestro)
Shen You''''ai Zheng Yangping. Studies on biology and control of Leptispa longipennis (Gestro)[J]. Entomological Journal of East China, 1999, 8(2): 41-46
Authors:Shen You''''ai Zheng Yangping
Abstract:Leptispa longipennis (Gestro) is a serious pest of bamboo in Yongding County. It has one generation a year and overwinters with the adult. It lays eggs in April. The egg stage lasts for ten days. The larvae generally have four instars. It pupates in Mid-May, the pupae lasts eight days and emerges in late May. Its important natural enemies are Anastatus sp. and ants. The effective measures to control the adult are by spraying Beauveria bassiana.
Keywords:Leptispa longipennis (Gestro)   biology   control   bamboo  
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