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引用本文:Tang B,Tang M,Du YM,Liu CJ,Hong ZG,Luo HY,Hu XW,Song YL,Xi JY,Hescheler J. 慢性间歇性低氧降低急性缺氧对大鼠肺动脉平滑肌细胞膜上电压门控性钾通道的抑制[J]. 生理学报, 2004, 56(5): 625-631
作者姓名:Tang B  Tang M  Du YM  Liu CJ  Hong ZG  Luo HY  Hu XW  Song YL  Xi JY  Hescheler J
作者单位:华中科技大学同济医学院生理系,武汉,430030;Institute of Neurophysiology,University of Cologne,D-50931 Cologne Germany
基金项目:This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.30200098).
摘    要:为了从离子通道水平上探讨机体低氧适应的离子机制,本实验将雄性 SD 大鼠随机分为常氧对照组和慢性间歇性低氧组[氧浓度(10 ± 0.5) %, 间断缺氧每天 8 h]。用酶解法急性分离单个大鼠肺内动脉平滑肌细胞(pulmonary artery smoothmuscle cells, PASMCs),以全细胞膜片钳技术记录 PASMCs 膜上的电压门控性钾通道 (voltage-gated potassium channel, KV) 电流,观察急性缺氧对慢性间歇性低氧大鼠 PASMCs 的 KV 的影响, 为机体适应低氧能力提供实验依据。结果显示:⑴常氧对照组在电流钳下,急性缺氧可使膜电位明显去极化(由-47.2 ±2.6 mV 去极到 -26.7 ±1.2 mV ); 在电压钳下, 急性缺氧可显著抑制 KV电流( 60 mV 时, KV电流密度从 153.4 ± 9.5 pA/pF降到 70.1 ± 10.6 pA/pF), 峰电流的抑制率为(57.6 ± 3.3) %, 电流-电压关系曲线向右下移。⑵慢性间歇性低氧组KV电流密度随低氧时间延长而逐渐减少(慢性低氧10 d后就有显著性意义),电流- 电压关系曲线逐渐右下移。⑶急性缺氧对慢性间歇性低氧大鼠PASMCs KV电流的抑制作用随慢性间歇性低氧时间延长而逐渐减弱。上述观察结果提示慢性间歇性低氧减弱急性缺氧对 KV 的抑制, 这可能是机体低氧适应的一种重要机制。

关 键 词:肺动脉  电压门控性钾通道  低氧  膜片钳

Chronic intermittent hypoxia decreases acute hypoxic inhibition of voltage-gated potassium channel in rat pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells
Tang Bi,Tang Ming,Du Yi-Mei,Liu Chang-Jin,Hong Zhi-Gang,Luo Hong-Yan,Hu Xin-Wu,Song Yuan-Long,Xi Jiao-Ya,Hescheler Jurgen. Chronic intermittent hypoxia decreases acute hypoxic inhibition of voltage-gated potassium channel in rat pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells[J]. Acta Physiologica Sinica, 2004, 56(5): 625-631
Authors:Tang Bi  Tang Ming  Du Yi-Mei  Liu Chang-Jin  Hong Zhi-Gang  Luo Hong-Yan  Hu Xin-Wu  Song Yuan-Long  Xi Jiao-Ya  Hescheler Jurgen
Affiliation:Department of Physiology, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China.
Abstract:For determination the ionic mechanisms of the hypoxic acclimatization at the level of channels, male Spradue-Dawley rats were divided into two groups: control normoxic group and chronic intermittent hypoxic group [O2 concentration: (10 +/-0.5)%, hypoxia 8 h a day]. Using whole cell patch-clamp technique, voltage-gated potassium channel currents (IK(V)) were recorded in freshly isolated pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) of rat with acute isolated method. The effect of acute hypoxia on IK(V) of PASMCs from chronic intermittent hypoxia group was investigated to offer some basic data for clarifying the ionic mechanisms of the hypoxic acclimatization. The results showed: (1) In control normoxic group, after acute hypoxia free-Ca(2+) solution, the resting membrane potential (Em) of PASMCs was depolarized significantly from -47.2+/-2.6 mV to -26.7+/-1.2 mV, and the IK(V) of PASMCs was decreased significantly from 153.4+/-9.5 pA/pF to 70.1+/-0.6 pA/pF, the peak current percent inhibition was up to (57.6+/-3.3)% at +60 mV, and current-voltage relationship curve shifted to the right. (2) In chronic intermittent hypoxic group, the IK(V) of PASMCs was decreased significantly by exposure to intermittent hypoxia in a time-dependent manner, appeared to start on day 10 and continued to day 30 (the longest time tested) of hypoxia, and current-voltage relationship curve shifted to the right in a time-dependent manner. (3) Compared with the control normoxic group, the percent IK(V) inhibition by acute hypoxia was significantly attenuated in the chronic intermittent hypoxia group and this inhibition effect declined with time exposure to hypoxia. The results suggest that K(V) inhibition was significantly attenuated by chronic intermittent hypoxia, and this effect may be a critical mechanism of the body hypoxic acclimatization.
Keywords:pulmonary artery  voltage gated potassium channel  patch clamp  hypoxia
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