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Competition between scleractinian corals and macroalgae: An experimental investigation of coral growth, survival and reproduction
Authors:Jason E. Tanner

Department of Marine Biology, James Cook University, Townsville, Qld. 4811, Australia

Macroalgae are a major component of many coral reef flat communities, and are potentially major competitors with corals. The influence of macroalgae on several demographic parameters of four species of scleractinian coral by means of an algal clearance experiment was examined to determine specifically if macroalgae are affecting coral cover, growth, fecundity, fission, survivorship and recruitment. Also investigated were patterns of natural encounters between corals and algae.

Algal cover at the study site ranged from 41 to 56%, and coral cover from 8 to 10%. In total, 92 ± 4 ()% of coral colonies were in contact with one or more species of macroalgae. Changes in coral cover were significantly affected by the presence of macroalgae, with cover of Acropora species increasing faster in areas from which algae had been cleared compared to control areas where algae had not been removed, although this pattern did not occur for Pocillopora damicornis (Linnaeus). Similarly, growth of individual colonies was faster when macroalgae were absent for three Acropora species but not for P. damicornis. There were no differences detected in rates of fission or survivorship of corals between algal clearance and control treatments, although there were high levels of variability in both of these parameters. Fecundity of Acropora palifera (Lamarck), the only species examined, was approximately double in colonies in cleared plots compared to those in control plots with macroalgae present. As no recruitment occurred throughout the 2-yr study, it remains to be determined how macroalgae effect the settlement of coral larvae. The results show that macroalgae can have a major influence on the demography of scleractinian corals.

Keywords:Competition   Coral algae competition   Demography   Macroalgae   Scleractinian coral
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