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Authors:Mark A. Buchheim  Larry R. Hoffman
Abstract:Male gametes have been studied in Sphaeroplea robusta (Chlorophyceae) using both light and electron microscopy. Mature gametes are typically biflagellate and possess a single, large mitochondrion that dominates the anterior third of the cell, directly posterior to the basal bodies. One or more microbodies are closely associated with the mitochondrion. Contractile vacuoles occur anterior to the elongated nucleus which, in fully mature gametes, possesses condensed chromatin. The reduced, starch-filled chloroplast lacks an associated eyespot and occupies a posterior position. A thin, anteriorly directed process or extension of the chloroplast parallels a portion of one of the multistranded flagellar roots. The paired basal bodies are directly opposed with no demonstrable offset, and are connected by an arched distal fiber with a highly elaborated central striated region that forms the apical cone, a feature characteristic of male gametes in most species of Sphaeroplea. Possession of a striated distal fiber, a cruciate flagellar root system (i.e. two-stranded microtubular roots alternating with multistranded roots), and directly opposed basal bodies are consistent with the alga's chlorophycean affinities.
Keywords:absolute orientation  basal body  Chlorophyceae  distal fiber  flagellar apparatus  flagellar roots  green alga  male gamete  Sphaeroplea  transition region
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