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Body mass, population density, and offspring number in mammals
Authors:Polishchuk L V  Tseĭtlin V B
Affiliation:Department of General Ecology, Biological Faculty, M.V. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow 119899, Russia.
Abstract:The negative relationship between population density and body mass with the body mass exponent of -0.75 implies that the energy flow through populations of small- and large-bodied species is the same, for individual metabolism scales to body mass raised to the power of +0.75. This relationship called the energetic equivalence rule, has often been observed for mammal species assemblages studied at regional scales. Here we suggest a demography-based mechanism that may generate it. Having analyzed about 130 literature sources, mostly in Russian, we collected demography and body-mass data for 88 mammalian species from the territory and coastal waters of the former Soviet Union. The data were used to construct a number of interspecific relationships. It is shown that (1) the number of offspring per lifetime is approximately inversely proportional to the relative mass at birth (the exponent is not significantly different from -1), (2) the average lifespan is proportional to body mass to the 0.25 power, (3) body mass at birth is proportional to the adult body mass. We develop a simple theory to demonstrate that relations (1) to (3) entail the energetic equivalence rule. The theory also allows us to explain violation of this rule (in non-flying birds, for example), namely, to predict the exponent of relation (1) for any given exponent of the relation between population density and body mass. This is possible because relations (2) and (3) are likely to more universally hold than relation (1). Finally, since natural selection acts on individual traits rather than on population-level ones such as population density, the theory opens up the way to an evolutionary explanation for the energetic equivalence rule.
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