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引用本文:郭峰,万书波,王才斌,吴正锋,郑亚萍. 麦套花生产量形成期固氮酶和保护酶活性特征研究[J]. 西北植物学报, 2007, 27(2): 309-314
作者姓名:郭峰  万书波  王才斌  吴正锋  郑亚萍
作者单位:1. 山东省花生研究所,山东青岛,266100;莱阳农学院,山东青岛,266109
2. 山东省农业科学院,山东济南,250100
3. 山东省花生研究所,山东青岛,266100
摘    要:以小麦品种烟农23号"和花生品种花育22号"为材料,研究了大田条件下花生产量形成期套种和清种花生根瘤固氮酶活性及SOD、POD、CAT活性等指标变化情况.结果表明:(1)麦套和清种花生单株根瘤重量和固氮酶活性变化均呈单峰曲线,高峰期分别出现在结荚末期和结荚中期;前者固N能力明显高于后者.(2)花生根系中SOD、POD、CAT活性基本上均是先增后降趋势,但麦套花生后期下降速率明显缓于清种花生;叶片中SOD、POD、CAT活性变化规律性明显不及根系,后期麦套花生SOD、CAT活性高于清种花生,POD则相反.(3)麦套花生根系中可溶性蛋白含量一直较高,而清种花生后期下降较快;麦套花生叶片中可溶性蛋白含量的高峰约出现在结荚中期,清种花生整个结荚期呈下降态势,两者进入饱果期后均趋于稳定.可见麦套花生生育后期根系衰老速率明显迟于清种花生.

关 键 词:花生  套种      酶活性

Nitrogenase and Protective Enzyme Activities during the Yield-forming Stage of High-yield Peanut Intercropped with Wheat
GUO Feng,WAN Shu-bo,WANG Cai-bin,WU Zheng-feng,ZHENG Ya-ping. Nitrogenase and Protective Enzyme Activities during the Yield-forming Stage of High-yield Peanut Intercropped with Wheat[J]. Acta Botanica Boreali-Occidentalia Sinica, 2007, 27(2): 309-314
Authors:GUO Feng  WAN Shu-bo  WANG Cai-bin  WU Zheng-feng  ZHENG Ya-ping
Abstract:Activities of nitrogenase,SOD,POD and CAT of intercropped peanut(IP) and pure-planted peanut(PP) during yield-forming stage were studied with wheat cultivar 'Yannong 23' and peanut cultivar 'Huayu 22' in field.The main results were described as follows that(1) trends of single apex curves of nodule weight per plant and the nitrogenase activity for both IP and PP were observed.The peak appeared in the late and mid pod-filling stage respectively,capability of fixing N of IP was higher than that PP.(2) Activities of SOD,POD and CAT in roots of the two planting modes were increased at the beginning of yield-forming stage and decreased with advance of the growth stage.While the dropping speeds of those enzyme activities of IP were slower than those of PP.Regularities of SOD,POD and CAT in leaves were inferior to those in roots in the two planting modes.Activities of SOD and CAT in leaves of IP were higher than that of PP during late stage.However,the activity of POD in IP was lower than those of PP were reversed.(3) Soluble protein content(SPC) in root in IP kept sustained higher level at whole yield-forming stage.While it decreased rapidly during late stage in PP.The peak of SPC in leaves of IP appeared in the mid-pod-forming stage and kept stable after entering the pod-filling stage.The SPC in leaves in PP decreased slightly during the pod-forming stage and little fluctuation during pod-filling stage.Therefore,the caducity speed of IP root was slow than that of PP during the late growing season.
Keywords:peanut  intercropping  root  leaf  enzymatic activity
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