Pollen morphology of Solanurn L. section Solanum |
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Affiliation: | Deparlment of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, University of Oxford, Parks Road, Oxford OXI 3PF |
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Abstract: | J. M. EDMONDS, 1984. Pollen morphology of Solanum L. section Solnnum . The pollen morphology of both dried and fresh, fixed material was examined using SEM. The work confirmed thc spheroidal to sub-prolate shape, the tricolporate nature and the granular surface sculpturing, typical of Solanurn pollen, but failed to demonstrate the occurrence of exine patterns which could bc of practical taxonomic use is differentiating the species belonging to the section Solanurn . Quantification of the exine sculpturing, by means of granule density counts, indicated a possible relationship between this feature and the morpho-genetic diversity of certain species. |
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Keywords: | Exine patterns — pollen morphology — Solanum section Solanum. |