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Characterization of exchangeable and nonexchangeable bound adenine nucleotides in F1-ATPase from Escherichia coli
Authors:J P Issartel  J Lunardi  P V Vignais
Abstract:The total amount of bound exchangeable and nonexchangeable adenine nucleotides in Escherichia coli F1-ATPase (BF1) was determined; three exchangeable nucleotides were assessed by equilibrium dialysis in a [14C]ADP-supplemented medium. When BF1 was purified in a medium supplemented with ATP, a stoichiometry of nearly 6 mol of bound nucleotides/mol of enzyme was found; three of the bound nucleotides were ATP and the others ADP. When BF1 was filtered on Sephadex G-50 in a glycerol medium (Garrett, N.E., and Penefsky, H.S. (1975) J. Biol. Chem. 250, 6640-6647), bound ADP was rapidly released, in contrast to bound ATP which remained firmly attached to the enzyme. Upon incubation of BF1 with [14C]ADP, the bound ADP rather than the bound ATP was exchanged. Of the three [14C]ADPs which have bound to BF1 by exchange after equilibrium dialysis, one was readily lost by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50; the loss of bound [14C]ADP was markedly reduced by incubation of BF1 with aurovertin, a specific ligand of the beta subunit which is known to increase the affinity of the beta subunit for nucleotides (Issartel, J.-P., and Vignais, P. V. (1984) Biochemistry 23, 6591-6595). Upon photoirradiation of BF1 with [alpha-32P]2-azido-ADP, only the beta subunit was labeled; concomitantly, bound ADP was released, but the content in bound ATP remained stable. These results suggest that specific sites located on the three beta subunits bind nucleotides in a reversible manner. Consequently, the tightly bound ATP of native BF1 would be located on the alpha subunits.
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