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Analysis of the steric strain in the polypeptide backbone of protein molecules.
Authors:O Herzberg  J Moult
Affiliation:Center for Advanced Research in Biotechnology, Maryland Biotechnology Institute, University of Maryland, Rockville 20850.
Abstract:The extent to which local strain is present in the polypeptide backbone of folded protein molecules has been examined. The occurrence of steric strain associated with nonproline cis peptide bonds and energetically unfavorable main chain dihedral angles can be identified reliably from the well ordered parts of high resolution, refined crystal structures. The analysis reveals that there are relatively few sterically strained features. Those that do occur are located overwhelmingly in regions concerned with function. We attribute this to the greater precision necessary for ligand binding and catalysis, compared with the requirements of satisfactory folding.
Keywords:protein structure  crystal structure  dihedral angles  cis peptides  protein active sites
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