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Groundplan Anatomy of the Proboscis of Butterflies (Papilionoidea, Lepidoptera)
Authors:Harald W. Krenn,Nina Mü  hlberger,

aInstitut für Zoologie, Universität Wien, Austria

The anatomy of the proboscis was studied in representatives of all major subfamilies of Papilionoidea and several outgroup taxa which included Hesperiidae, Hedylidae and Geometroidea. In all species the cross-sectional outline of the tapering proboscis continuously changes from proximal to the tip while the central food canal, formed by the concave medial galeal walls, retains its oval shape. Each galea contains three types of muscles, a branching trachea, nerves, sensilla, and at least one longitudinal septum. We focused on the varying arrangement and distribution of the intrinsic galeal muscles from the basal galeal joint to the tip region. The plesiomorphic condition of the galeal composition of Papilionoidea is regarded to include one basal intrinsic muscle in the basal joint region and two series of intrinsic muscles, i.e. the lateral intrinsic galeal muscles and the median intrinsic galeal muscles, both series extending from the proximal region to the tip region. The plesiomorphic arrangements of the intrinsic muscle series are found in all representatives of Papilionidae, in one species of Lycaenidae (sensu lato), in many Nymphalidae (sensu lato), and in all outgroup species. Three apomorphic character states are distinguished regarding the presence and extension of the median intrinsic galeal muscles. (1) Present up to 35% of the proboscis length and absent distally in Pieridae, Lycaeninae (Lycaenidae), Satyrinae (Nymphalidae), and Danainae (Nymphalidae). (2) Present in the proximal third of the proboscis and again near the tip between 80 and 90% of the proboscis length in the examined Heliconiinae (Nymphalidae). (3) Completely absent, as in one lycaenid species from the subfamily Riodininae.
Keywords:Mouthparts   muscle   morphology   evolution   Rhopalocera
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