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Effects of temperature and photoperiod on vegetative growth of white clover (Trifolium repens) ecotypes
Authors:Olavi Junttila,Mette M. Svenning,Bjø  rn Solheim
Affiliation:Dept of Plant Physiology and Microbiology, IBG, Univ. of Tromsø, N-9000 Tromsø, Norway
Effects of photoperiod and temperature on vegetative growth of seedling populations and clones of white clover ( Trifolium repens L.) originating from various latitudes (58°48'–69°54'N) and altitudes (up to 1100 m above sea level) were studied in a phytotron. Dry matter production, stolon elongation, petiole elongation and leaf lamina size were enhanced by long photoperiod. The requirement for long photoperiod increased with decreasing temperature. At 6°C the maximum growth was recorded under 24-h daylength. At 18°C already an increase in photoperiod from 12 to 15 h significantly enhanced growth, and maximum growth was obtained at 21-h photoperiod. The studied populations responded similarly to daylength, and the results did not indicate photoperiodic ecotypes in the material. The southernmost clones and populations generally had the highest dry matter production at all temperature treatments (6–18°C). Variation between clones within one location was, however, significant, and rapidly growing clones were found also in high-latitude locations. Dry matter production was poorly correlated with the morphological characters observed, but in some cases significant correlation with leaf lamina size was found.
Keywords:Photoperiod    temperature    Trifolium repens    vegetative growth    white clover
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