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Formation of alkaloids from Penicillium species fungi during growth on wheat kernels
Authors:Vinokurova N G  Boĭchenko L V  Arinbasarov M U
Affiliation:Skryabin Institute of Biochemistry and Physiology of Microorganisms, Russian Academy of Sciences, Pushchino, Moscow Oblast, 142290 Russia.
The ability to produce alkaloids has been studied in 13 strains belonging to 10 species of the genus Penicillium. Most of these strains produce identical ranges of alkaloids when grown on wheat grain and synthetic Abe medium. They are roquefortine, 3,12-dihydroroquefortine, and glandicolines A and B in strain P. chrysogenum VKM F-1987; fumigaclavines A and B, festuclavine, and pyroclasine in P. commune VKM F-308, F-3491, and KBP4; agroclavine 1 and epoxyagroclavine 1 in P. fellutanum VKM F-1073; fellutanine A in P. fellutanum F-3020; roquefortine, 3,12-dihydroroquefortine, meleagrin, and glandicolines A and B in P. glandicola VKM F-743; aurantioclavine in P. nalgiovense VKM F-229; isofumigaclavines A and B, festuclavine, roquefortine, and 3,12-dihydroroquefortine in P. roquefortii VKM F-2389; roquefortine, 3,12-dihydroroquefortine, and meleagrin in P. vitale VKM F-3624; roquefortine and oxaline in P. vulpinum VKM F-256; and alpha-cyclopiazonic acid and rugulovasine B in P. viridicatum C-47. No alkaloids were found in P. rugulosum VKM F-352 grown on wheat grain. A simple method is proposed for isolating alkaloids from affected grains.
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