Abstract: | A cladistic analysis of the West Palaearctic Scopaeina Mulsant & Rey, 1878 (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae: Paederinae) is presented along with bionomic and biogeographic information. A total of 76 morphological characters were coded for the 88 currently known West Palaearctic species, except for S. bifossicapitata (Outerelo & Oromi, 1987). Results show that Scopaeina comprises two well-supported monophyletic groups in the West Palaearctic, Micranops Cameron, 1913 and Scopaeus Erichson, 1840, which are considered to represent distinct genera. Phylogenetic relationships to Orus Casey, 1884, distributed in North and South America, are briefly discussed. Whereas Micranops is only represented by M. pilicornis (Baudi, 1869) in the region under study, 87 species of Scopaeus are currently known from the West Palaearctic. Within Scopaeus, the cladistic analysis yielded many well-supported monophyletic species groups, most of which are restricted to the West Palaearctic. However, except for Hyperscopaeus Coiffait, 1984, they are not in agreement with the widely used subgeneric concept sensu Coiffait (1952–1984). The following polyphyletic subgenera are consequently synonymized: Alloscopaeus Coiffait, 1968, Anomoscopaeus Coiffait, 1968, Geoscopaeus Coiffait, 1960, and Hyposcopaeus Coiffait, 1960 synn. n. = Scopaeus Erichson, 1840. Nivorus Herman, 1965, and Microscopaeus Coiffait, 1981 synn. n. = Micranops Cameron, 1913. The monotypical genus Coecoscopaeus Coiffait, 1984, established for C. coecus (Peyerimhoff, 1906), is excluded from Scopaeina. Scopaeus mitratus perroti Ochs, 1953 is raised to species rank, and S. nigellus Wollaston, 1864, formerly a synonym of S. minimus Erichson, 1939, is revalidated. Finally, we present a catalogue of species and synonyms of West Palaearctic Scopaeina along with distributional data and five new synonymies of species group names: S. bordei Peyerimhoff, 1914 syn. n. = S. portai Luze, 1910; S. tassiliensis Jarrige, 1958, S. mauretanicus Coiffait, 1960 synn. n. = S. crassipes Wollaston, 1867; S. saoudiensis Coiffait, 1981 = S. sinaicus Coiffait, 1970; S. mateui Coiffait, 1953 syn. n. = S. didymus Erichson, 1840. A lectotype is designated for S. didymus Erichson, 1840.See also Electronic Supplement (Parts 13) at http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/02-02.htm |