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Depletion of a gamma delta T cell subset can increase host resistance to a bacterial infection
Authors:O'Brien R L  Yin X  Huber S A  Ikuta K  Born W K
Affiliation:Department of Immunology, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, Denver, CO 80206, USA. obrienr@njc.org
Gammadelta T lymphocytes have been shown to regulate immune responses in diverse experimental systems. Because distinct gammadelta T cell subsets, as defined by the usage of certain TCR V genes, preferentially respond in various diseases and disease models, we have hypothesized that the various gammadelta T cell subsets carry out different functions. To test this, we compared one particular gammadelta T cell subset, the Vgamma1(+) subset, which represents a major gammadelta T cell type in the lymphoid organs and blood of mice, to other subsets and to gammadelta T cells as a whole. Using LISTERIA: monocytogenes infection as an infectious disease model, we found that bacterial containment improves in mice depleted of Vgamma1(+) gammadelta T cells, albeit mice lacking all gammadelta T cells are instead impaired in their ability to control LISTERIA: expansion. Our findings indicate that Vgamma1(+) gammadelta T cells reduce the ability of the innate immune system to destroy LISTERIA:, even though other gammadelta T cells as a whole promote clearance of this pathogen.
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