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Oxidative stress induces cell cycle-dependent Mre11 recruitment,ATM and Chk2 activation and histone H2AX phosphorylation
DNA damage response recruits complex molecular machinery involved in DNA repair, arrest of cell cycle progression, and potentially in activation of apoptotic pathway. Among the first responders is the Mre11- (MRN) complex of proteins (Mre11, Rad50, Nbs1), essential for activation of ATM; the latter activates checkpoint kinase 2 (Chk2) and phosphorylates histone H2AX. In the present study the recruitment of Mre11 and phosphorylation of ATM, Chk2 and H2AX (γH2AX) detected immunocytochemically were measured by laser scanning cytometry to assess kinetics of these events in A549 cells treated with H2O2. Recruitment of Mre11 was rapid, peaked at 10 min of exposure to the oxidant, and was of similar extent in all phases of the cell cycle. ATM and Chk2 activation as well as H2AX phosphorylation reached maximum levels after 30 min of treatment with H2O2; the extent of phosphorylation of each was most prominent in S-, less in G1-, and the least in G2M- phase cells. A strong correlation between activation of ATM and Chk2, measured in the same cells, was seen in all phases of the cycle. In untreated cells activated Chk2 and Mre11 were distinctly present in centrosomes while in interphase cells they had characteristic punctate nuclear localization. The punctate expression of activated Chk2 both in untreated and H2O2 treated cells was accentuated when measured as maximal pixel rather than integrated value of immunofluorescence (IF) per nucleus, and was most pronounced in G1 cells, likely reflecting the function of Chk2 in activating Cdc25A. Subpopulations of G1 and G2M cells with strong maximal pixel of Chk2-Thr68P IF in association with centrosomes were present in untreated cultures. Cytometric multiparameter assessment of the DNA damage response utilizing quantitative image analysis that allows one to measure inhomogeneity of fluorochrome distribution (e.g. maximal pixel) offers unique advantage in studies of the response of different cell constituents in relation to cell cycle position.
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