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Olfactory adaptation as an aspect of odor similarity
Authors:Cain, William S.   Polak, Ernest H.
Abstract:Two experiments examined self-adaptation within and cross-adaptationbetween two structurally different substances with almost identicalbitter chocolate odors, trimethyl pyrazine (TMP) and 2-propionyl-3-methylfuran (PMF). The first experiment charted psychophysical functionsfor odor intensity under steady-state self- and cross-adaptationwith adapting concentrations matched in perceived intensityat two different levels. Participants breathed an adapting concentrationcontinuously for 2 min and then rated test concentrations everyminute during momentary respites from the adapting stimulus.Both self-adaptation and cross-adaptation weakened the intensityof low test concentrations proportionally more than higher onesand thereby steepened the psychophysical functions. Adaptingstimuli at matched levels caused equivalent self-adaptation(i.e. altered the functions equivalently) and equivalent, thoughweaker, cross-adaptation (i.e. exhibited symmetry of cross-adaptation).The second experiment examined whether cross-adaptation to TMPand PMF would prove relatively specific. At a matched perceivedintensity of adapting stimulus, adaptation to TPM and PMF againproduced equal amounts of self-adaptation and of cross-adaptationto each other, though not on three other test stimuli: anethole,ethyl butyrate and 2,3 pentanedione. Both TMP and PMF showedsome generality as cross-adapting stimuli, with PMF showinga bit more than TMP. The present protocols and others discussedherein offer opportunities to consider functional criteria forthe relatedness of similar-smelling substances.
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