Abstract: | The distribution of acetylator phenotypes was studied in 169 normal individuals of Moscow Russian population and 75 inhabitants of Moscow suffering from chronic alcoholism. Polymorphism was found by means of acetylation in both groups studied. The proportion of repeatability of rapid and slow acetylators amounts to 48 and 52% among normal individuals, 44 and 56% among those who suffer from chronic alcoholism. The comparative analyses of such repeatability within the classes resulted in authentic increase of the rate of rapid acetylators among the chronic alcoholics (chi 2 = 18.32; p less than 0.01); in comparison with normal individual groups, (the modes being in classes 50-60% and 80-90%, with the antimode 70-80%), a shift of one of the modes from the 50-60% class into the 60-70% class was traced among diseased individuals. It is supposed that chronic alcohol consumption stimulates the process of acetylation; possible reasons for this stimulation are discussed. |