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Incorporation of intraportal ammonia-N into blood and tissue nitrogenous compounds in chickens fed low and high protein diets
Authors:Y Karasawa  K Koh
Affiliation:Laboratory of Animal Nutrition and Feed Science, Faculty of Agriculture, Shinshu University, Nagano-ken, Japan.
Abstract:1. 15N-Percentage of the amide of glutamine in total blood non-protein-15N was 42 and 48% in chickens fed 5 and 20% protein diets, respectively, when 15N-ammonia was intraportally-infused for 6 hr. 2. The infused ammonia-15N also appeared in the amide of free glutamine in the liver and kidney in large amounts at both levels of protein intake. 3. The 15N incorporated into glutamine-amide in the blood, liver and kidney and non-protein-15N in plasma were greater in chickens fed the low protein diet than in those fed the high protein diet (P less than 0.05 except kidney of P less than 0.01). 4. About 60% of the amide-N of the glutamine which was increased during 6 hr infusion of ammonia was derived from infused ammonia-N and the remainder from endogenous nitrogen, irrespective of protein intake. 5. These results suggest that glutamine is the most important intermediate in detoxication of intraportal ammonia in chickens.
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