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引用本文:戈和静,马鸿翔,陆维忠,陈和,陈建民. 大麦赤霉病抗扩展性鉴定与评价[J]. 植物遗传资源学报, 2006, 7(4): 409-414
作者姓名:戈和静  马鸿翔  陆维忠  陈和  陈建民
作者单位:1. 江苏省农业科学院农业生物技术研究所,南京,210014;扬州大学生物科学与技术学院,扬州,225009
2. 江苏省农业科学院农业生物技术研究所,南京,210014
3. 江苏沿海地区农科所,盐城,224002
4. 扬州大学生物科学与技术学院,扬州,225009
摘    要:利用禾谷镰刀菌单花滴注接种研究了245份大麦品种对赤霉病抗扩展性。结果表明,大麦赤霉病抗性除了抗初侵染外还存在抗扩展类型。比较了接种后7d、14d和21d的病小穗数和病小穗率以覆由不同期病小穗率获得的病程曲线面积等7个指标性状,并对其进行遗传参数分析,发现21d病小穗率指标在品种间具帔大的变幅、遗传变异系数和遗传率,21d病小穗数和病程曲线面积与病小穗率呈极显著正相关。不同大麦品种抗扩展性表现不一,供试品种中以Suyin21、乌金一号、莆846193、盐97001、96AC20-30五个品种21d病小穗率最低,为高抗品种,占全部供试品种的2.04%。

关 键 词:大麦  赤霉病  抗扩展性

Evaluation of Resistance to Spread of Fusarium Head Blight in Barley
GE He-jing,MA Hong-xiang,LU Wei-zhong,CHEN He,CHEN Jian-min. Evaluation of Resistance to Spread of Fusarium Head Blight in Barley[J]. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, 2006, 7(4): 409-414
Authors:GE He-jing  MA Hong-xiang  LU Wei-zhong  CHEN He  CHEN Jian-min
Abstract:The resistance to spread of Fusarium head blight was evaluated in Barley by using single floret injection. The result showed there was the resistance to spread as well as to initial infection of Fusarium head blight in barley. The comparison of different traits in different days after inoculation suggested that the proportion of scabbed spikelets on 21 days after inoculation was the best index for evaluating the resistance to spread of Fusarium head blight, which had the largest range, genetic coefficient variance and heretability. The number of scabbed spikelets on 21 days after inoculation and the area under disease progress curve were significant correlated to the proportion of scabbed spikelets on 21 days after inoculation. There was a large diversity for the resistance to spread of Fusarium head blight in barley cultivar. Among all tested cuhivars, Suyin 21, Wujing 1, Pu846193, Yan 97001 and 96AC20-30 were high resistance cuhivars, which occupyied 2.04% of the total tested cuhivars.
Keywords:Barley    Fusarium head blight    Spread resistance
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