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Construction of biofilms with defined internal architecture using dielectrophoresis and flocculation
Authors:Verduzco-Luque Cynthia E  Alp Burçak  Stephens Gillian M  Markx Gerard H
Affiliation:Biochemical Engineering Research Group, Department of Chemical Engineering, UMIST, P.O. Box 88, Sackville Street, Manchester M60 1QD, United Kingdom.
Abstract:A novel approach was developed for the construction of biofilms with defined internal architecture using AC electrokinetics and flocculation. Artificial structured microbial consortia (ASMC) consisting of localized layered microcolonies of different cell types were formed by sequentially attracting different cell types to high field regions near microelectrodes using dielectrophoresis. Stabilization of the microbial consortia on the electrode surface was achieved by crosslinking the cells using the flocculant polyethyleneimine (PEI). Consortia of Escherichia coli, Micrococcus luteus, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae were made as model systems. Also, more natural consortia were made of the bacteria Pseudomonas putida, Clavibacter michiganense, and Methylobacterium mesophilum, which are found together in consortia during biodegradation of metal-cutting waste fluids.
Keywords:electrokinetics  dielectrophoresis  consortia  biofilm structure  biodegradation  flocculation
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