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Seasonal cycles in total chemical composition of two Lake Baikal benthic-pelagic sculpins (Cottocomephorus, Cottoidei)
Authors:T. A. Kozlova
Affiliation:Limnological Institute, Siberian Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Irkutsk, Russia
Abstract:Annual cycles in chemical composition of the body, liver, gonads, red and white muscles were determined for two medium fat sculpins, Cottocomephorus grewingki and C. inermis , endemic to Lake Baikal. Their total lipid content ranged from 3 to 9% during the year. The content of defatted dry substance was 14–17%, similar to the protein content of the other Baikalian cottoid fishes. The prespawning period was characterized by a positive lipid and protein balance in both species. In C. grewingki the liver performed largely a metabolic function, whereas in C. inermis it served also as a storage site for lipid reserves. During spawning, total body lipids of females of both species showed a two- to threefold decrease. Males of C. grewingki guarding nests deplete greatly their total body lipids, which decrease seven- to ninefold by the time of larval hatching in comparison with the prespawning period, and constitute 1–2%. After spawning, lipid reserves of C. grewingki were quickly restored to the initial level (from about 3 to 9%) and maintained during the long sexual maturation period. In C. inermis total body lipids increased only twofold in comparison to those observed during the spawning period.
Keywords:Lake Baikal    lipids    cottoid fishes    annual cycles
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