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Morphological and functional heterogeneity of rat ascitic hepatoma Zajdela cells
Authors:Tiuriaeva I I  Filatova N A  Rozanov Iu M  Demin S Iu  Blinova G I  Ivanov V A
Abstract:This work is devoted to the study of molecular and cellular mechanisms of disdifferentiation during neoplastic transformation of cells by investigating the malignant tumor cell heterogeneity. We have revealed two cell fractions of hepatoma Zajdela which differ in patterns of growth in primary culture. The cells of one fraction were attached to the culture plastic and grew in a monolayer (S-fraction), whereas cells of another fraction floated in the culture medium (F-fraction). Using method of lifetime supervision of primary culture cells (1-2 passages) at the limit of the resolving power of DIC-microscopy it has been revealed, that both fractions contain cells of several types. Some of them were specific for one of the fractions, and others were found in both fractions, but their frequencies differed. It has been shown by the same method, that long separate cultivation of these fractions in vitro (more than 50 passage) change both cellular structure and the initial ratio of different types of cells in both fractions. According to DNA flow cytometry, the cells of both fractions were hypotetraploid and had insignificant differences in DNA contents. After adaptation to in vitro conditions, S-fraction cells raised their proliferative activity in comparison with the F-fraction cells, and after long cultivation showed 2.3 times higher DNA content. Greater amount of cell surface laminin, a hepatocellular carcinoma marker, was observed on F-fraction cells than on S-fraction cells. Interfractional distinctions were confirmed also by immunologic assessment of hepatoma cells resistance to natural killer lyses: the sensitivity of S-fraction cells in primary culture was 2.4 times higher than F-fraction cells sensitivity, and, after long cultivation, F-fraction cells became practically resistant to cytotoxic action of natural killers. Based on the data obtained, the most probable paths of cell disdifferentiation during hepatoma Zajdela formation and during long cultivation of this tumor cells in vitro are discussed.
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