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引用本文:田晓萌,裴海燕,徐杭州,张艳芳,韦洁琳. 淡水有害底栖蓝藻研究进展[J]. 生态学杂志, 2020, 0(6): 2070-2085
作者姓名:田晓萌  裴海燕  徐杭州  张艳芳  韦洁琳
摘    要:底栖蓝藻在全球淡水水域内广泛分布,在河流、湖泊、湿地、泉水水域等均有发现。相比于浮游蓝藻,底栖蓝藻因其隐蔽性、采样困难等关注度较低。针对近十几年有害底栖蓝藻不断过量繁殖的情况,本文对有害底栖蓝藻种类、主要的环境影响因子、有害次级代谢物及监测分析方法进行了总结概括。阐述了在有害底栖蓝藻生物量集聚过程中,光照、温度、营养盐、基质、水流等主要环境因子间的交互关联,并指出藻垫小生境内有害底栖蓝藻与微生物群落间作用的重要性。分析了不同属种有害底栖蓝藻的代谢物种类及影响代谢物产出的因素,总结了目前定性和定量分析有害底栖蓝藻的方法并指出其不足,对预测、定位高水平的有害底栖蓝藻提出了建议。本文为进一步研究有害底栖蓝藻异常增殖机制和有效防控方法提供了参考和借鉴。

关 键 词:底栖蓝藻  蓝藻藻垫  环境因子  代谢物质  风险监测

A review on the prevalence and features of toxic benthic cyanobacteria in freshwater
TIAN Xiao-meng,PEI Hai-yan,XU Hang-zhou,ZHANG Yan-fang,WEI Jie-lin. A review on the prevalence and features of toxic benthic cyanobacteria in freshwater[J]. Chinese Journal of Ecology, 2020, 0(6): 2070-2085
Authors:TIAN Xiao-meng  PEI Hai-yan  XU Hang-zhou  ZHANG Yan-fang  WEI Jie-lin
Affiliation:(School of Environmental Science and Engineering,Shandong University,Qingdao 266237,Shandong,China;State Key Laboratory of Microbial Technology,Shandong University,Qingdao 266237,Shandong,China;Shandong Province Engineering Center on Environmental Science and Technology,Jinan 250061,China)
Abstract:Benthic cyanobacteria are globally distributed in various forms of aquatic systems,including river,lake,wetland,and spring.Due to their concealment and the difficulty of sampling,they have received less attention than their planktonic counterparts.Recently,excessive proliferation of toxic benthic cyanobacteria is increasing.We carried out a literature review on species composition,main factors affecting growth,harmful secondary metabolites,and methods of analysis and risk assessment of toxic benthic cyanobacteria.We reviewed the relationships of main environmental factors(light,temperature,nutrient,substrate,and flow disturbance)during the accumulation of toxic benthic cyanobacteria,and highlighted the importance of the interaction between toxic benthic cyanobacteria and microbial communities within mat habitats.We analyzed the categories of metabolites produced by different toxic species and the influencing factors of their production.Furthermore,we compared current methods for qualitative and quantitative analysis of toxic benthic cyanobacteria and their limitations,and recommended future directions to optimize the prediction and detection of highly concentrated toxic ones.This review provides reference for studies on excessive proliferation mechanisms and effective control methods for toxic benthic cyanobacteria.
Keywords:benthic cyanobacteria  cyanobacteria-forming mat  environmental factor  metabolic production  risk assessment
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