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Molecular phylogeny of three ambiguous ciliate genera: Kentrophoros,Trachelolophos and Trachelotractus (Alveolata,Ciliophora)
Authors:Shan Gao  Michaela C. Strüder‐Kypke  Khaled A. S. Al‐Rasheid  Xiaofeng Lin  Weibo Song
Abstract:Gao, S., Strüder‐Kypke, M.C., Al‐Rasheid, K.A.S., Lin, X. & Song, W. (2010). Molecular phylogeny of three ambiguous ciliate genera: Kentrophoros, Trachelolophos and Trachelotractus (Alveolata, Ciliophora).—Zoologica Scripta, 39, 305–313. Very few molecular studies on the phylogeny of the karyorelictean ciliates have been carried out because data of this highly ambiguous group are extremely scarce. In the present study, we sequenced the small subunit ribosomal RNA genes of three morphospecies representing two karyorelictean genera, Kentrophoros, Trachelolophos, and one haptorid, Trachelotractus, isolated from the South and East China Seas. The phylogenetic trees constructed using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and neighbor‐joining methods yielded essentially similar topologies. The class Karyorelictea is depicted as a monophyletic clade, closely related to the class Heterotrichea. The generic concept of the family Trachelocercidae is confirmed by the clustering of Trachelolophos and Tracheloraphis with high bootstrap support; nevertheless, the order Loxodida is paraphyletic. The transfer of the morphotype Trachelocerca entzi Kahl, 1927 to the class Litostomatea and into the new haptorid genus Trachelotractus, as suggested by previous researchers based on morphological studies, is consistently supported by our molecular analyses. In addition, the poorly known species Parduczia orbis occupies a well‐supported position basal to the Geleia clade, justifying the separation of these genera from one another.
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