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The role of chloroplast NAD(P)H dehydrogenase in protection of tobacco plant against heat stress
Authors:WANG Peng  YE Jiyu  SHEN Yungang &  MI Hualing
Affiliation:(1) National Laboratory of Plant Molecular Genetics, Institute of Plant Physiology, Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, 200032, China
After incubation at 42°C for more than 48 h, brown damages occurred on the stems of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) ndhC-ndhK-ndhJ deletion mutant (ΔndhCKJ), followed by wilt of the leaves, while less the phenotype was found in its wild type (WT). Analysis of the kinetics of post-illumination rise in chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that the PSI cyclic electron flow and the chlororespiration mediated by NAD(P)H dehydrogenase (NDH) was significantly enhanced in WT under the high temperature. After leaf disks were treated with methyl viologen (MV), photosynthetic apparatus of ΔndhCKJ exhibited more severe photo-oxidative damage, even bleaching of chlorophyll. Analysis of P700 oxidation and reduction showed that the NDH mediated cyclic electron flow probably functioned as an electron competitor with Mehler reaction, to reduce the accumulation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). When leaf disks were heat stressed at 42°C for 6 h, the photochemical activity declined more markedly in ΔndhCKJ than in WT, accompanied with more evident decrease in the amount of soluble Rubisco activase. In addition, the slow phase of millisecond-delayed light emission (ms-DLE) of chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that NDH was involved in the building-up of transthylakoid proton gradient (ΔpH), while the consumption of ΔpH was highly inhibited in ΔndhCKJ after heat stress. Based on the results, we supposed that the cyclic electron flow mediated by NDH could be stimulated under the heat stressed conditions, to divert excess electrons via chlororespiration pathway, and sustain CO2 assimilation by providing extra ΔpH, thus reducing the photooxidative damage.
Keywords:NAD(P)H dehydrogenase   high temperature   photooxidative stress   cyclic electron transport.
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