Abstract: | A patients with seizures, Von Willebrand disease, and symptoms of Turner syndrome was a chromosomal mosaic. In blood culture (1974), 56% of the cells were 45, X 33% 46, XXp+ and 11% 47,XXp + Xp +; in the skin, no cells with 47 chromosomes were found. Presumably the Xp + chromosome arose through a break in the Q-banded dark region next to the centromere on Xp to which an Xq had been attached. The abnormal X was late-labeling and formed a larger than normal Barr body. Of the chromatin-positive fibroblasts, 18.2% showed bipartite Barr bodies, which agrees with the hypothesis that the X inactivation center lies on the proximal part of the Xq. On the basis of the structure and behavior of the bipartite bodies in the present patient, as compared to those formed by other chromosomes with two presumed inactivation centers, we propose that the dark region next to the centromere of Xp remains active in the inactive X. In cells with 45,X and 46,XY, this region has the same relative size, whereas it is significantly shorter in the active X of three females, including the present patient, with one abnormal X. We propose that this region on the active X reveals different states of activity, as reflected in its length, depending on how many other X chromosomes are in the cell. |