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Conjugation of a new two-photon fluorophore to poly(ethylenimine) for gene delivery imaging
Authors:Hayek Ali  Ercelen Sebnem  Zhang Xin  Bolze Frédéric  Nicoud Jean-François  Schaub Emmanuel  Baldeck Patrice L  Mély Yves
Affiliation:Groupe des Matériaux Organiques, Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, Université Louis Pasteur (CNRS, UMR 7504), BP 43 23 rue du Loess, F-67034 Strasbourg, France.
Abstract:We report herein the molecular engineering of an efficient two-photon absorbing (TPA) chromophore based on a donor-donor bis-stilbenyl entity to allow conjugation with biologically relevant molecules. The dye has been functionalized using an isothiocyanate moiety to conjugate it with the amine functions of poly(ethylenimine) (PEI), which is a cationic polymer commonly used for nonviral gene delivery. Upon conjugation, the basic architecture and photophysical properties of the active TPA chromophore remain unchanged. At the usual N/P ratio (ratio of the PEI positive charges to the DNA negative charges) of 10 used for transfection, the transfection efficiency and cytotoxicity of the labeled PEI/DNA complexes were found to be comparable to those of the unlabeled PEI/DNA complexes. Moreover, when used in combination with unlabeled PEI (at a ratio of 1 labeled PEI to 3 unlabeled PEI), the labeled PEI does not affect the size of the complexes with DNA. The labeled PEI was successfully used in two-photon fluorescence correlation spectroscopy measurements, showing that at N/P = 10 most PEI molecules are free and the diffusion coefficient of the complexes is consistent with the 360 nm size measured by quasielastic light scattering. Finally, two-photon images of the labeled PEI/DNA complexes confirmed that the complexes enter into the cytoplasm of HeLa cells by endocytosis and hardly escape from the endosomes. As a consequence, the functionalized TPA chromophore appears to be an adequate tool to label the numerous polyamines used in nonviral gene delivery and characterize their complexes with DNA in two-photon applications.
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